Long before the era of Manolo Blahnik or Christian Louboutin be a must-have items, women are obsessed with shoes. Unlike sales of other products declined due to recession, sales of shoes at this time also increased. This raises the question, what is that makes women so crazy about shoes?
Apparently, buying and have a shoe that has a supernatural effect for women. Suddenly she could combine a collection of old shoes with a dress, or simply made him feel absurdly sexy. More than that, there are scientific facts behind the obsession with shoes on women. Do not believe?
Adrenaline rush
What do you feel when trying to dress? Does your mood suddenly rises? No wonder if that is what you feel. 'At that time the hormone dopamine is released, giving a happy feeling, similar to the effects of drugs,' said Martin Lindstrom, branding expert and author of Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy. 'Dopamine increases until you begin to swipe a credit card. "
After the swipe card, feeling happy that slowly-slowly becoming flat, replaced with guilt. Funny thing is, this does not happen when the purchased the shoes. 'Buyers will consider shoes as something that is practical, because it can be used several times a week. As a result, a sense of fun that last longer, 'continued Lindstrom.
In addition to its hormone dopamine, increase in mood was also derived from the reaction of the brain. Buying new shoes will push forward in the cortex area of the brain known as a place of gathering. 'Shoe is a collector's item, no matter whether women think so or not,' said Suzanne Ferriss, Ph.D., editor of Footnotes: On Shoes. In the shoe store, the shoes are also on display with so interesting. As a result, collecting every kind of shoe models provide a small adrenaline rush, similar to that felt when a collector of antiquities found something rare.
Improving the status
A strong feeling that the more intense when you choose high-heeled shoes. And, not those shoes that make you so, but your biological. 'Like most animals, we associate height with power,' says Helen Fisher, PhD, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University. 'High heels may improve because of your status becomes higher. "
High heels also has significance historically. Centuries ago, only rich people who wear high heels. Among workers usually only wear shoes that are practical for work. 'Shoe is a measure of one's status, and we actually still have the mindset until now. "
Giving a sexy sense
Shoes can even be connected with sex. Wearing stilettos always makes women feel sexy. 'When wearing it, women think of it as the position of looking for a partner. Lifted her ass so much, and his back arched, 'Fisher said.
More than that, says Daniel Amen, MD, author of The Brain in Love, our minds are designed by connecting the legs with sex. 'The area of the brain that communicates with the genital that is right next to the areas related to foot,' he said. This area intersect each other, which may be the cause why the shoes can give the impression erotic.
source : cosmopolitan/kompas
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